This will be the Spelfabet Workbook 7 version 3 teaching sequence, the same sequence as the Dragon Eggs, Talisman 1, Rescue, and Island Adventure books from Phonic Books. Sorry I’m still working on the workbook!
Sounds/spellings introduced/revised: Revising a…e as in make , a as in paper , ai as in rain , and ay as in say . Introducing ey as in they and ea as in break . Revising ee as in see , e as in me , ea as in sea , e…e as in these , and y as in funny . Introducing ie as in field and ey as in turkey . Revising o…e as in home , o as in no , oa as in boat , and ow as in grow . Introducing oe as in goes . Revising ur as in turn , ir as in bird , and er as in her . Introducing ear as in learn and or as in word . Revising ou as in out , ow as in how , oy as in boy , and oi as in boil . Revising u…e as in rule , u as in ruling , oo as in soon , and ue as in blue . Introducing ew as in chew and ou as in soup . Revising i..e as in like , i as in find , igh as in night , and y as in by . Introducing ie as in pie . Revising or as in for , and aw as in saw . Introducing ore as in more , a as in all , au as in launch , ar as in wart , al as in walk and ough as in bought . Revising are as in care , air as in hair . Introducing ere as in there , ear as in bear , and eir as in their . Revising ar as in car and a as in last . Introducing al as in half , au as in aunt and ear as in heart .