actor Astor author captor castor cursor doctor donor error factor flexor Gaynor hector horror major manor minor mirror motor pastor prior raptor razor rector sailor sculptor sector sensor sponsor squalor stupor suitor tailor tenor tensor terror torpor tractor tremor tutor vector vendor victor visor Windsor |
aggressor assessor auditor chancellor collector compressor conductor confessor connector constrictor contractor conveyor councillor counsellor creditor curator defector depressor detector dictator director editor ejector elector emperor equator extensor extractor governor impostor incisor inspector instructor inventor janitor monitor narrator possessor predator predictor processor professor projector prospector protector protractor purveyor reactor resistor selector senator spectator successor surveyor testator vibrator visitor warrior |
agitator ambassador benefactor carburetor competitor cultivator decorator depositor detonator elevator generator imitator inheritor liberator moderator operator predecessor progenitor respirator solicitor supervisor terminator travelator ventilator |
chorizo Colorado comfort decorate exorcize forbid forget Oxford |
I was trying to segment the word ‘effort’. Does the ‘or’ make a /er/ or schwa sound? I think it is a schwa…
Hi Rose, the second syllable in ‘effort’ is unstressed in ordinary speech so it contains schwa, but when you’re spelling this word and saying it slowly as you write (either out loud or in your head) please say ‘eff-ort’ as that will help you remember the spelling. Hope that makes sense, Alison
Thank you for that! One of my students was writing down a list of /or/ words and they included ‘effort’. I thought the ‘or’ was making a schwa sound!