Playing cards advanced code TURE


Download and print this deck of child-sized (5 X 6.5cm) playing cards for fun reading practice. Contains two, three and four-syllable words with the Latin ending “ture” as in “future”, “signature” and “temperature”. Words are printed facing both up and down so they can be read from either side of a table. Many words look similar (e.g. venture-vulture, scripture-sculpture-stature-structure-stricture), so learners must pay attention to every letter to read them accurately.


Download and print this deck of child-sized (5 X 6.5cm) playing cards for fun reading practice. Contains two, three and four-syllable words with the Latin ending “ture”, as in “picture”, “departure” and “agriculture”.

Words are printed facing both up and down so they can be read from either side of a table. Many words look superficially similar (e.g. acupuncture-agriculture-aquaculture-architecture, nature-nurture and legislature-literature), so learners must pay attention to every letter to read them accurately.

These cards can be used to play any card game that uses a typical deck of playing cards, but with the extra requirement that each card’s word must be read when it is played. We’ve made some videos of example games to get you started (please note that we have improved the font and layout of all our playing cards since making these videos):

We hope you enjoy using them!