Flex-It games
15 download-and-print games to help you teach Set for Variability (pronunciation correction) skills, so learners can self-correct when they mix up sounds represented by the same letter/spelling, like the ‘a’ in ‘atom’ and ‘apron’, the ‘o’ in ‘poster’ and ‘roster’ and the ‘g’ in ‘goblin’ and ‘giant’. See video below for how to play and more details.
These 15 download-and-print games help you teach Set for Variability (pronunciation correction) skills, so learners can self-correct when they mix up sounds represented by the same letter/spelling, like the ‘a’ in ‘atom’ and ‘apron’, the ‘o’ in ‘poster’ and ‘roster’ and the ‘g’ in ‘goblin’ and ‘giant’. Here’s how they work:
The decks, each with 48 cards and mostly two-syllable words, are as follows:
- a as in atom/apron
- e as in ever/even
- i as in index/item
- o as in often/open
- u as in unfit/unit
- Doubled (or not) consonants before ‘le’ as in table/rabble, title/little, noble/wobble
- Doubled (or not) consonants before ‘er’ as in later/ladder, tiger/trigger, sober/slobber
- Doubled (or not) consonants before ‘y’ as in lazy/jazzy, spiky/sticky, puny/bunny
- c as in cactus/census
- g as in goblin/giant
- y as in coldly/comply
- o as in solve/some
- a as in small/shall
- ow as in show/shower
- ea as in dream/dreamt.
Download and print each game on three A4 sheets of light cardboard, laminate them, cut them up (or get some older students who’ve finished their work and are keen to help to do it), and you’re ready to play. Instructions included.