Teaching vowel spellings with a moveable alphabet
1 Replies
Late last year we made some videos with the help of a couple of amazing kids. Heroic Harrison, then aged four, has already starred in a couple of blog posts about early literacy apps and Embedded Picture Mnemonics.
His sister Amazing Amelie, then aged seven, here helps me demonstrate an approach I use to teach about vowel spellings with the Spelfabet moveable alphabet. Sorry it’s taken me so long to put this video up, was already snowed under before we had to switch to online therapy.
You don’t have to use my download-and-print moveable alphabet for this activity if you have a similar one, including an online one, or prefer to make your own. You can also devise your own teaching sequences, or try my Level 3 sequences. If getting anything from my shop before 30 June 2020, don’t forget to use the COVID-19 coupon code to get 30% off.
Thanks to Amelie for her amazing help, and to Caitlin Stephenson for organising this.
Thanks for posting this. I have been using this method for a while now and I like to keep the required letters in a line above the word with space for the student to move the letters without picking them up when getting them or putting them back. It has been working really well.