Articulatory awareness and modelling a “spelling voice”
7 Replies
The older struggling spellers I work with often have one parent who is good at spelling, and one parent who isn’t. No prizes for guessing who inherited whose spelling-related genes.
The three of them often come to our first session. After we’ve done some assessment, we often have a conversation that goes something like this:
- Me: ‘When you’re writing long words, you seem to be thinking a lot about what the words look like, but not much about what they sound like. You don’t seem to be pulling words apart and saying them the way they are spelt, to help yourself remember the tricky bits, like the “or” in “doctor” and the “oi” in “tortoise”.’
- Student: ‘There’s no “oi” in “tortoise”‘.
- Me: ‘Correct, not when we’re talking normally, but when we’re spelling long words we have to write them one syllable at a time, and if you say each syllable the way it is spelt, it helps you spell the word correctly. It’s also a great way to remember tricky words like “Wednesday” and “business”, you say them as “Wed-nes-day” and “bus-i-ness”.’
- Parent 1: ‘Oh yeah, I always do that, I say Wed-nes-day and bus-i-ness, and Feb-ru-a-ry and “bea-u-ti-ful. I thought everyone did.’
- Parent 2: ‘Really? I never do that.’
- Parents: ‘Maybe that’s why only one of us can spell.’
“Cat”, “dog” and “phoneme” are abstract ideas
Everyone knows phonemic awareness helps spelling, but we tend to focus a lot on the auditory aspect of phonemic awareness, and not much on its articulatory or kinaesthetic aspect – feeling the sounds in our mouths.
Cats and dogs are all different, but with language and world experience children develop an abstract idea of what a cat is, and what a dog is, which allows them to differentiate these animals in the street (on the basis of size, shape, movement, sound etc, plus knowing that if it rolls its eyes and walks off, it’s a cat).
Likewise, actual productions of phonemes are all slightly different, and children need to develop an abstract idea of what a /p/ is, and what a /b/ is, in order to differentiate them when meeting them in the speech stream.
These abstract ideas are based on what /p/ and /b/ sound like (acoustic properties), and how they’re produced (articulatory properties). We start developing these abstract ideas when we’re babies, or we wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the words “pea” and “bee”, but we don’t naturally develop conscious awareness of these individual sounds.
The easiest speech to slow down and feel is one’s own
When we start to learn to read and spell, we must become consciously aware of phonemes (i.e. develop phonemic awareness) in order to link them to the graphemes which represent them in our writing system. It helps to become conscious of not just how phonemes sound and look, but how they are produced in the mouth (see here and here for relevant research, and here for videos of my excellent niece saying each phoneme in Australian English).
Learners can’t easily slow down other people’s speech to make the individual sounds easier to discern. They can slow down their own speech, making it easier to identify each sound and feel how it’s produced, and see in a mirror, and decide whether it’s (figuratively speaking) canine, feline, leonine, vulpine or lupine (a great list of animal adjectives is here).
Many kids don’t like saying the sounds in words as they write their spellings. If I had $100 for every time I’ve said, “I can’t hear you” during a say-and-write spelling activity, I’d be richer than Croesus. The usual objection is that saying sounds while writing seems weird and/or babyish.
Kids can’t hear our internal speech
If we want kids to say words slowly, feel them in their mouths and think about their sounds when spelling them, it’s a good idea to model saying sounds/syllables/words as we write them ourselves. If kids see adults doing this routinely, they won’t think it’s babyish or weird.
Conversely, if adult behaviour makes skilled writing appear like a silent, visual task unrelated to speaking, many kids (and sadly some adults) will believe that’s what it is.
I’d like adults within earshot of young children to consciously and routinely sound out/say words as they write them: on the whiteboard, the shopping list, the calendar on the fridge, when filling out forms, wherever. The internal speech good spellers use when writing is not accessible to kids. We need to put it out where they can see, hear and imitate it.
Develop your “Spelling Voice”
The authors of the Sounds-Write program have the perfect term for this say-as-you-write behaviour, though they use it mainly in relation to spelling multi-syllable words: using your “Spelling Voice” (see p21 of this document).
If learners aren’t saying/hearing any sounds, how can they be linking sounds to letters/spellings? Saying words slowly while writing them should be expected and praised learner behaviour.
Once you know the main sound-letter relationships, you can use this knowledge to “over-pronounce” words with unstressed vowels (flow-ER, act-OR, coll-AR, murm-UR, del-I-cAtE, rest-AU-rant etc), in order to remember how they are spelt.
I like to tell students that using their Spelling Voice is a bit like talking like the Queen. The Queen would never dream of saying “choclit” like us plebs. She says “choc-o-late”. She pronounces things like the “t” in “often” and “soften”, and the “p” in “raspberry”.
Unlike my generation, lots of today’s kids have never heard the Queen speak, and the younger Royals’ speech is, sadly, less studiously posh. So maybe it’s better to tell kids that they should speak like a robot when spelling. After all, robots always pronounce the /i/ in “exterminate, exterminate” and the /i/, /o/ and /er/ in “philosopher”.
Another brilliant post Alison. I don’t know who Croesus was but I get IT. I like the idea of explicitly calling it spelling voice or queens speech – why keep it a secret?
A great reminder to model the processing behind spelling. The genetic component you discuss also rings true.
I do like the idea that adults should model a spelling voice (and I love all your blogs and materials and insights). I’m a speechie too with an undiagnosed but obviously dyslexic 9 year old on my hands. I struggle a bit with getting around coarticulation issues (train is always /tʃɹein/ to me) and schwas etc for her. I’ve read this article about 5 times and I am trying to work out what is bothering me. At the moment she is learning to ‘finger spell’ to get her to think about the sounds but I can’t imagine her getting words like ‘tortoise’ and ‘chicken’ correct if she was using HER spelling voice, unless we have discussed these words before. For tortoise, my daughter would have no idea either about the ‘oi’ either, even though she will have read that word before and would most definitely say /tɔtɪs/ in a spelling voice. I think maybe my issue is with this line above – “You don’t seem to be pulling words apart and saying them the way they are spelt, to help yourself remember the tricky bits, like the “or” in “doctor” and the “oi” in “tortoise”.” My daughter would say ‘but I don’t know HOW to spell tortoise so how can I say it in a spelling voice?’ I guess if you can remember there is an oi in there, then you can already spell it? Or maybe you had covered this and therefore it was a reminder, which makes sense. Anyway, I shall endeavour to use a spelling voice as much as possible and hope this rubs off on her. Any further links to spelling voice/coarticulation/schwa and spelling would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Elizabeth, nobody can spell “tortoise” with an “oi” until they have been taught about oi as in coin, point, noise, join etc. If your daughter hasn’t got a solid understanding of vowel spellings, then she can’t use this knowledge in her “spelling voice”, so she has to learn the main spellings for each vowel sound first . Sorry that this wasn’t clear in the blog post. Once kidss know to say “oy” when they see the letters O and I together, they can use this knowledge to help them remember the spellings of words like “tortoise” and “porpoise”. I hope that makes sense. Alison
Thanks for your reply. I get it now – it has already been targeted in activities. Cheers
I like the mnemonic alphabet cards. I am in the
State of Arizona and am Orton Gillingham trained. Would your cards follow an Americsn English or are some particular to Australian English?
Hi Carol, my Embedded Picture Mnemonics are designed with Australian English in mind, so include “air” and “ear” which I don’t think you consider separate phonemes in American English. You can have a look at a photo of them in my blog post here: There is a summary of our phonemes with videos of my niece saying each one at Without knowing a lot about exactly how English is spoken in Arizona I think I’ll have to leave it up to you to decide whether they would work in your accent, but I’m sure you can do that. All the best, Alison