CVC | CVCC and CCVC | After consonants | Word-final with two-letter vowel spellings | Polysyllabic words | Rarely after “short” vowels | Sometimes before letters a, o, u |
keg ken kid Kim kin kip kit kill kiss | kelp Kent kept kids kiln kilt kink kits skeg sketch skid skiff skill skim skin skip skit | bank bulk bunk busk chink chunk conk dank dink disk dunk dusk fink funk gunk hank honk hulk hunk husk ink junk kink lank link milk mink musk pink punk rank rink rusk sank shank shonk silk sink sulk sunk tank thank think tusk wink wonk yank | ark ask auk bake bark bask beak bike bleak bloke book broke brook cake cask cheek choke chook cloak coke cook cork creek croak crook dark Dirk dork drake duke eke fake flake flask fluke fork freak gawk geek Greek hake hark hawk hike hook Ike irk Jake jerk joke juke lake lark leak leek like Luke lurk make mark mask meek mike nark nook nuke oak park peek perk pike poke pork puke quake quark quirk rake reek rook sake seek shake shark shirk shook shriek shrike slake smoke snake soak sook spark speak spike spook squawk squeak stake stark stoke stork streak stroke take task teak took trike Turk wake weak week woke work yoke Zeke | adzuki aikido akimbo asking baking banking barking bikini bodkin booking bulky bumpkin busking chalky cheeky conker cooking cranky creaky croaky dinky dorky dunking freaky frisky funky gasket geeky hiking hooky husky inky jerkin jerky joking junket junkie junkyard kebab keeper kelpie Kelvin kernel Kerry kettle Kevin keypad kidding kiddo kidnap kidney kilim killer killjoy kilo kilter kimchi kimono kina kinder kindest kindle kindred kingdom kingpin kinship kiosks kippers kissing kitchen kitten kitty kiwi liking looking mawkish milking moniker mopoke murky napkin pakeha parking perky pesky pinky pokies pumpkin quirky ramekin risky rookie shaky shekel silky sinking skewer skillet skinny skipper skitter skittle sky skydive skyline slinky smoky snaky spoken spunky squeaky stinky streaky sulky taking token turkey Viking walking yokel | amok anorak apparatchik Bangkok batik beatnik Bolshevik flak mukluk refusenik realpolitik shaslik springbok sputnik trek wok yak yashmak yuk | gingko go-kart kabbalah kaffir lime kaftan kaka kale kamikaze kangaroo kanji kapok kaput karaoke karate Karen karma Kasbah Kate kauri Kay kayak kazoo koala kohl kohlrabi kookaburra kooky kopek kosher kowtow kudos kudu meerkat okapi okay paprika skat skate skua skulk skull skunk Sokol ukulele |