CVC | CVCC | Up to CVCCC | With consonant digraphs | Before other vowels | Polysyllabic words |
jab  Jag jam Jan Jed Jeff Jem Jen jet jib jig Jim job jog Jon jot judge jug jut jazz Jeff jell Jess jill joss | jags jams jest jets jibs jilt jobs jogs jolt jots jugs jump just | jests jilts jolts jumps | Jack Jock Josh | jade jail Jake jape jaw jay jeans jeep jeer jive join joint joist joke joust jowls jube juice juke jute | abject abjure ajar banjo deject dojo eject enjoy fuji hijack inject injure jabiru jackal jacket jaded jaguar Japan jasmine jasper Java jazzy jelly jemmy jenny jerky jerry jetsam jetty jewel jiffy jigsaw jingo jockey joey joker jolly journal journey judo jumbo jumbuck jumpy jungle junior jury justice kanji major mojo ninja object perjure pyjamas rajah reject rejoice rejoin unjam |