
4 responses to “ia as in diamond”

  1. Alex says:

    Thought of one more that could be added here: diaper. I’m seeing both listed with an optional schwa after the /aɪ/, though both feel much more natural without the schwa in my variety of American English.

    • alison says:

      Diaper is an American word, we call the things babies wear nappies, sand so do the British, and we definitely pronounce it /di-a-per/ with a schwa, so it’s not the same as how we say diamond (di-mond/). Sorry my lists don’t match up with all your vocab or pronunciation!

      • Alex says:

        Ah, didn’t realize that was just American! No need to apologize. It’s always interesting to see differences across dialects, both in terms of vocab and pronunciation. I’ve actually had a few interesting Wikipedia searches and learning based on words in your lists (mostly person/places names I wasn’t familiar with). Good stuff!

  2. Kristin says:

    What about ‘is’ as in island? Is that another digraph for the I sound? Thank you.

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