Usually from Greek. | |
graph humph lymph morph nymph phase phew phlox phobe phone phrase sphere sphinx staph | alpha alphabet amphibian aphid blaspheme caliph camphor choreograph daphne digraph diphtheria diphthong dolphin elephant emphasis furphy galumph gopher hieroglyphics Humphries hyphen Joseph naphtha oomph paragraph phalanx phantom Phar Lap pharmacy pharynx pheasant phenomenon phenyl philanthropy philately philharmonic Philippines philosophy phoenix phonograph phony phooey phosphate photo photocopy photograph photographer physical physics physiotherapist prophet siphon sphagnum sphincter trigraph triumph |
I have two. It’s
Phonograph and Photographer.
Thanks, I’ve added them, I mainly have base words on these lists, but since “photo” is an abbreviation of “photograph” I’ve added it, and also photographer, since you asked for it to be added.
I have one. It’s Alpha
Good thinking! Added, thanks!