bird birth chirp Dirk dirt fir firm first firth flirt girl girth irk mirth quirk shirk shirt sir skirt squirm squirt stir swirl third thirst twirl whirl |
astir awhirl bellbird bestir birches birdbath birdcage birdseed birthday bluebird chirper chirping chirpy circle circlet circuit circus confirm cowgirl dirndl dirty firkin firmer firmly firstly flirted flirting flirty girded girder girdle girlhood girlie hirsute infirm jaybird mirthful nirvana outskirts quirky rebirth shirty sirloin skirmish skirted smirking snowbird songbird squirmy squirted swirly thirdly thirsty thirteen thirty twirling twirly virgin virtue whirly zircon |
Write 3 words that have the same middle sound as ‘dirt’
Yes, this is a possible spelling activity, I haven’t tried it myself and it would probably be hard for strugglers, but maybe fine for mainstream learners.
What about whirl
Good point! I’ve added it. Thanks!