First Phonics Picture Book


This free 44-page pdf colour phonics book is for preschoolers, school beginners and older struggling readers learning to hear sounds in words and understand how these are represented by letters.

Pages can also be used as wall displays, on an interactive whiteboard, or on tablet or other computers.

It aims to help beginning learners understand that:

  • Spoken words are made of sounds,
  • Letters/spellings are how we write these sounds down,
  • There are consistent relationships between sounds and letters.

Each page represents a different sound as used in six words, for example the page for the sound “ay” has the words: “tape”, “mane”, “shave”, “ape”, “plane” and “wave”, with six accompanying photos.

The book includes 42 of the 44 sounds of spoken English (not zh as in vision or the unstressed vowel). There is only one spelling for each sound. Sounds are used in all relevant word positions.

The target spelling on each page is highlighted in red, making it easy to see the pattern.

Pictures in this book are all public domain/Creative Commons pictures from the internet. Many thanks to all the photographers for being so generous with their work.

SKU: First Phonics Picture Book Category:


This free 44-page pdf colour phonics book is for preschoolers, school beginners and older struggling readers who are still having difficulty hearing sounds in words and learning basic spelling patterns.

Pages can also be used as wall displays, on an interactive whiteboard, or on tablet or other computers.

It aims to help beginning learners understand that:

  • Spoken words are made of sounds,
  • Letters/spellings are how we write these sounds down,
  • There are consistent relationships between sounds and letters.

Each page represents a different sound as used in six words, for example the page for the sound “ay” has the words: “tape”, “mane”, “shave”, “ape”, “plane” and “wave”, with six accompanying photos.

The book includes 42 of the 44 sounds of spoken English (not zh as in vision or the unstressed vowel). There is only one spelling for each sound. Sounds are used in all relevant word positions.

The target spelling on each page is highlighted in red, making it easy to see the pattern.

Pictures in this book are all public domain/Creative Commons pictures from the internet. Many thanks to all the photographers for being so generous with their work.