Melbourne literacy workshop
2 Replies
On the evening of Wednesday 21st August 2013 I'll be talking about my Spelfabet materials at a TTR4L workshop in the Melbourne suburb of Moorabbin.
This session is open to parents, teachers and other professionals, with entry by donation.
What is TTR4L?
TTR4L stands for Teaching, Technology and Resources for Learning, and is a group of very experienced teachers who provide assessments, consultation and tutoring for students with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties, so I feel a bit honoured to have been invited by them to speak. As a 20-something Speech Pathologist I remember attending technology for people with disabilities events, where TTR4L's Pat Minton always made useful contributions.
What will the workshop be about?
I expect that after I've run through my materials – workbooks, games, movable alphabet and spelling collection – and how I use them, the rest of the evening will be like a conversation about helping slow progress readers and spellers, from which I'll learn a lot too.
I'm planning to bring as many of the other resources I use in conjunction with the Spelfabet ones as I can carry, so attendees can browse them if they want to. The Spelfabet materials are not a comprehensive program (in particular, I don't have any decodable books) and are more suitable for older, catch-up learners than absolute beginners.
Details and bookings
The session runs from 7.00pm till 9.00pm at Moira, which is right opposite the Moorabbin train station on the Nepean Highway.
Bookings are essential, and you can find more information and how to book on the TTR4L website.
I hope to put faces to the names of some of the readers of this blog there.
Well done, Alison! Your Spelfabet is the best resource for teaching spelling that I have seen and used. Its about time it was more widely acknowledged and used.
Laurel Waller
Spelfabet seems to be a great way for children to remember and learn how to spell. I had friends who used to play a game in the car and it involved getting the children to make a sentence up out of the letters of vehicle number plates as a memory game.